Monday, 19 January 2009

Going Live!

If everything goes to plan we should be all ready to go at the end of the month! If you want to be notified of when we're open for business, or to hear about any of our special offers, then you can sign up to our email list, or keep checking the blog.

If you've been sent here from our website - - then chances are you are aware that the goblins have once again broken in, and are spreading a wave of destruction. However, their numbers are dwindling and will soon be vanquished - we'll keep you up to date on site progress here.

In the meantime... who the heck are we?

Well, we're a webshop. Currently, we stock a vast array of of Games Workshop prodcuts for your enjoyment, including: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k & The Lord of the Rings, as well as Citadel painting and modelling equipment -- all at 25% off!

Coming Soon: an even greater array of wargames and collectors models, plus we're seeking out the best in alternatives to Citadel products for tarting up your new additions.

Are you one of those people who likes to know what's happening before the rest? Well rest assured, we have catered for your compulsive nature here at Completely Cool! Just send your name and perhaps a little bit about yourself (such as which warhammer armies you collect, or what sort of miniatures you'd like to see stocked) and email us at:

If there's anything in particular you'd like to say (within reason, of course - our powers of assistance for everyday matters such as broken down cars and sick pets are, alas, limited) then drop us a line:


Completely Cool Sales Team (& part-time Goblin Alert Squad)